A Fortran Implementation for Multicriteria Optimization
Version 4.6 (2012)
NLPJOB solves multicriteria optimization problems, i.e., constrained nonlinear programming problems with more than one objective function.
Numerical Method
By using a suitable transformation, a scalar nonlinear problem is created and solved by NLPQLP. Available are 15 different options to formulate the scalar subproblem. Weights, bounds and type of the scalar objective function are predetermined in the calling program.
Program Organization
NLPJOB is a double precision FORTRAN subroutine where all parameters are passed through subroutine arguments. Problem functions and gradients must be provided by the user by reverse communication.
Special Features
- reverse communication
- full documentation by initial comments
- FORTRAN source code (close to F77, conversion to C by f2c possible)
NLPJOB is implemented as part of the structural mechanical optimization system MBB-LAGRANGE. Users include Shell, Ecole des Mines d'Albi, University of Central Florida, National University of Ireland, Hohai University, University of Notre Dame, University of Jyvaeskylae, Technical University of Munich, and others.
- K. Schittkowski, NLPJOB: A Fortran Code for Multicriteria Optimization - User's Guide, Report, Department of Mathematics, University of Bayreuth (2004)